Food [pdf : 172k]
(Food Rules! by Bill Haduch, Eat Your Words by Charlotte Foltz Jones, Burp! by Diane Swanson)
Subjects: Food Rules!: Food—Composition—Juvenile literature; Nutrition—Juvenile literature; Eat Your Words: Food—Terminology—Juvenile literature; Gastronomy—Terminology—Juvenile literature; Burp!: Digestion—Juvenile literature; Food consumption
Booklists: Gifted
While grieving and rejoicing, people eat. While meeting, reading, writing, waiting, riding, resting, listening, spending, watching, and thinking. . . people eat. Food is necessary for our survival. In fact, our culture is based on it. We see reminders of it in our laws, our money, our superstitions, and our celebrations. But, how much do we really know about food?
In these books you can delve into the world of food. It is a bizarre, intriguing and sometimes scary world. You can learn about why you get hungry, what chyme (KIME) is (a watery, greenish, brownish blend of everything you eat) and why you need water. You can also learn about foods that make you stink, insects as food, foods of the future, and food in our language.
For instance, in the book Food Rules! by Bill Haduch we learn that:
In the book Burp! by Diane Swanson we learn that:
- The world’s favorite flavor is chocolate.
- The world’s favorite snack food is popcorn.
- There are about 800 kernels on an ear of corn.
- 80% of humans happily eat bugs as part of their everyday diets. In Africa they eat pots full of termites. In Nepal they eat fried honeybees. In Japan they crunch grasshoppers. In China they visit a restaurant called the Scorpion King and eat fried scorpions covered in ants. Only people in the United States, Canada, and Europe don’t seem to enjoy eating bugs.
- Fewer than half of the world’s people use a fork, knife, and spoon to eat. The rest use chopsticks, just a knife, or just their hands.
- Scientist who tried to taste as many different animals as possible said the worst is mole meat.
In the book Eat Your Words by Charlotte Foltz Jones we learn that:
- Vulture vomit stinks so bad that they sometimes use it to turn away their enemies.
- A person can eat nonfoods such as bicycles and trees. Michel Lotito of France spent 15 days consuming a bicycle that had been turned into a mound of metal filings and stewed tires. Jay Gwaltney of Chicago spent 89 hours eating an 11 foot birch tree.
- Rabbits get more nutrients from their food by eating it twice, they nibble their own stools.
- In Joliet, Illinois it is against the law to put cake in a cookie jar.
- In Gary, Indiana it is against the law to ride a bus or attend a theater within four hours after eating garlic.
- Since raisins don’t spoil in hot weather, they were so highly valued in ancient Rome that you could trade two jars of raisins for one slave boy.
- If you want to dream of a future spouse, sleep with a piece of wedding cake under your pillow.
- Thirty billion toothpicks are sold every year.