Karen Ackerman
The Night Crossing (Austria)
Joan Aiken
The Teeth of the Gale (Spain) 
Vivien Alcock
Singer to the Sea God (Greece)
Elizabeth Alder
The King’s Shadow (Great Britain)
Lloyd Alexander
The Book of Three (Great Britain)  
Crispin: The Cross of Lead (Great Britain) 
Escape from Home (Great Britain) 
Eleanor H. Ayer
Parallel Journeys (Germany)
Lynne Reid Banks
Maura’s Angel (Ireland)
T. A. Barron
The Lost Years of Merlin (Great Britain)
Susan Campbell Bartoletti
The Boy Who Dared (Germany)
Hitler Youth (Germany)
Nina Bawden
Carrie’s War (Great Britain)
The Real Plato Jones (Greece)
Gary Blackwood
The Shakespeare Stealer (Great Britain) 
Martin Booth
War Dog (Great Britain)
John Boyne
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas (Poland)
Kimberly B. Bradley
For Freedom: The Story of a French Spy (France)
Theresa Breslin
Remembrance (Scotland)
Eve Bunting
Spying on Miss Muller (France)
David Chotjewitz
Daniel, Half Human and the Good Nazi (Germany)
Bruce Clements
A Chapel of Thieves (France)
Eoin Colfer
Airman (Ireland)
Caroline Cooney
Goddess of Yesterday (Greece)
Lynn Cullen
I Am Rembrandt’s Daughter (Netherlands)
Karen Cushman
Catherine, Called Birdy (Great Britain)
Matilda Bone (Great Britain)
Maurine Dahlberg
Play to the Angel (Austria)
Marguerite De Angeli
The Door in the Wall (Great Britain)
Malka Drucker
Jacob’s Rescue (Poland)
L. M. Elliott
Under a War-Torn Sky (France)
Robert Elmer
Chasing the Wind (Denmark)  |
D. Dina Friedman
Escaping into the Night (Poland)
Cornelia Funke
The Thief Lord (Italy)  
Patricia Galloway
Courtesan’s Daughter (Greece)
Morris Gleitzman
Once (Poland)
Then (Poland)
James Heneghan
The Grave (Great Britain, Ireland)
Karen Hesse
Letters from Rifka (Russia)
Beth Hilgartner
A Murder for Her Majesty (Great Britain)
Jo Hoestlandt
Star of Fear, Star of Hope (France)
Alice Hoffman
Incantation (Spain)
Felice Holman
The Wild Children (Russia)
Dean Hughes
Soldier Boys (Bavaria)
Roberto Innocenti
Rose Blanche (Germany)
Anne Isaacs
Torn Thread (Poland)
Eric Philbrook Kelly
The Trumpeter of Krakow (Poland) 
Christa Laird
But Can the Phoenix Sing? (Poland)
Kathryn Lasky
Night Journey (Russia)
Iain Lawrence
The Wreckers (Great Britain) 
Anita Lobel
No Pretty Pictures (Poland)
Lois Lowry
Number the Stars (Denmark) 
Gregory Maguire
Good Liar (France)
Carol Matas
After the War (Poland)
Daniel’s Story (Germany)
In My Enemy's House
Lisa's War (Denmark)
Harry Mazer
The Last Mission (Great Britain)
Alice Mead
Girl of Kosovo (Yugoslavia)
Carolyn Meyer
Marie, Dancing (France)
L. A. Meyer
Bloody Jack (London)  
Bel Mooney
The Voices of Silence (Romania)
Michael Morpurgo
Private Peaceful (Great Britain)
Donna Napoli
Three Days (Italy)
Doris Orgel
We Goddesses, Athena, Aphrodite, Hera (Greece) |
Uri Orlev
The Man from the Other Side (Poland)
Mal Peet
Tamar (Netherlands)
Els Pelgrom
The Acorn Eaters (Spain)
Philip Pullman
The Ruby in the Smoke (Great Britain)
Philip Reeve
Mortal Engines (Great Britain) 
Johanna Reiss
The Upstairs Room (Netherlands)
Gary Schmidt
Anson’s Way (Ireland)
Maxine Schur
The Circlemaker (Russia)
Kate Seredy
The White Stag (Hungary)
Dyan Sheldon
The Whale’s Song (Great Britain)
Abner Shimony
Tibaldo and the Hole in the Calendar (Italy)
Peter Sis
The Wall: Growing up Behind the Iron Curtain (Prague)
Gloria Skururzynski
Spider’s Voice (France)
Jonathan Stroud
The Amulet of Samarkand (Great Britain) 
Rosemary Sutcliffe
The Shining Company (Great Britain)
Kate Thompson
The New Policeman (Ireland)
John Hudson Tiner
100 Scientists Who Shaped World History 
Rebecca Tingle
The Edge on the Sword (Great Britain)
Elizabeth Borton de Trevino
I, Juan de Pareja (Spain)
Eleanor Updale
Montmorency: Thief, Liar, Gentleman (Great Britain)
Hana Volavkova
I Never Saw Another Butterfly (Czech Republic)
Andrea Warren
Surviving Hitler (Poland)
Irene Watts
Finding Sophie (Great Britain)
Elie Wiesel
Night (Poland)  
Laura E. Williams
Behind the Bedroom Wall (Germany)
Maia Wojciechowska
Shadow of a Bull (Spain)
Don Wulffson
Soldier X (Russia)
Jane Yolen
The Devil’s Arithmetic (Poland)
Naomi Flink Zucker
Benno’s Bear (Central Europe) |