Joan Abelove
Go and Come Back (Peru)
Francisco X. Alarcón
Iguanas in the Snow (Mexico) 
Lloyd Alexander
The El Dorado Adventure 
Isabel Allende
City of the Beasts
Julia Alvarez
Before We Were Free (Dominican
How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents
Jorge Argueta
A Movie in My Pillow (El Salvador) 
Ben M. Baglio
Racing the Wind (Venezuela) 
Molly Bang
Tiger’s Fall (Mexico)
James Berry
Ajeemah and His Son (Jamaica)
David Nelson Blair
Fear the Condor (Bolivia)
Anne-Laure Bondoux
The Killer’s Tears (Chile) 
Ann Cameron
Colibri (Guatemala)
Omar Castañeda
Among the Volcanoes (Guatemala)
Ann Nolan Clark
Secret of the Andes (Peru)
Brian P. Cleary
Jamaica Sandwich?
Judith Ortiz Cofer
The Meaning of Consuelo (Puerto Rico)
Susan Cooper
Green Boy (Bahamas)
Edwidge Danticat
Behind the Mountains (Haiti) 
Kirk? Krak! (Haiti)
Lulu Delacre
Golden Tales
Salsa Stories
Franklin W. Dixon
The Masked Monkey (Brazil) 
Michael Dorris
Morning Girl (Caribbean)
Sharon M. Draper
Romiette and Julio
Madeleine Dunphy
The Peregrine’s Journey (Argentina) 
Chris Eboch
The Well of Sacrifice (Mexico)
Margarita Engle
Tropical Secrets (Cuba)
Nancy Farmer
The House of the Scorpion (Mexico)   |
Jack Gantos
Jack’s New Power (Caribbean) 
Lucia M. González
Señor Cat’s Romance
Jacqueline Dembar Greene
Out of Many Waters (Brazil)
Michele Greene
Chasing the Jaguar
Virginia Hamilton
Junius Over Far (Caribbean)
Gerald Hausman
Tom Cringle: The Pirate and the Patriot (Jamaica) 
Charles Boardman Hawes
The Dark Frigate (Barbados)
Cara Haycak
Red Palms (Ecuador)
Ernest Herndon
Night of the Jungle Cat (Belize) 
Will Hobbs
River Thunder (Mexico) 
Anthony Horowitz
Evil Star (Peru) 
Eva Ibbotson
Journey to the River Sea (Brazil)
Rachel Isadora
Caribbean Dream
Ann Jaramillo
La Línea
Francisco Jiménez
Breaking Through 
The Circuit
Lynn Joseph
The Color of My Words (Dominican Republic)
A Wave in Her Pocket (Trinidad)
Madeleine L’Engle
Dragons in the Waters (Venezuela)
Iain Lawrence
The Buccaneers (Caribbean) 
Mike Lupica
John Malam
You Wouldn’t Want to be a Pirate’s Prisoner! (Caribbean) 
Kevin McColley
The Walls of Pedro Garcia (Mexico)
Ben Mikaelsen
Tree Girl (Guatemala)
Nicholasa Mohr
Going Home (Puerto Rico)
Daniel Moretón
La Cucaracha Martina (Caribbean)
Susan Murray
Panic in Puerto Vallarta (Mexico)  |
Shirlee P. Newman
Folk Tales of Latin America 
Isabella: A Wish for Miguel (Peru) 
Naomi Shihab Nye
The Tree is Older Than You Are (Mexico) 
Scott O’Dell
The Amethyst Ring (Mexico)
The Feathered Serpent (Mexico) 
Nancy Osa
Cuba 15
Denise Lewis Patrick
The Adventures of Midnight Son (Mexico)
Mal Peet
Keeper (Brazil)
Celia Rees
Pirates! (Jamaica)
Dorothy Rhoads
The Corn Grows Ripe (Mexico) 
Barbara Robertson
Rosemary and the Island Treasure (Bahamas) 
Pam Muñoz Ryan
Esperanza Rising
Gloria Skurzynski
Escape from Fear (Virgin Islands) 
Roland Smith
Jack’s Run (Argentina)
Jaguar (Brazil)
Brad Strickland
The Guns of Tortuga (Caribbean) 
Mutiny! (Caribbean) 
Marc Talbert
Heart of a Jaguar (Mexico)
Theodore Taylor
The Cay (Caribbean)  
Sweet Friday Island (Mexico)
Frances Temple
Grab Hands and Run (El Salvador)
Taste of Salt (Haiti)
Rob Thomas
Green Thumb (Brazil)
Elizabeth Borton de Treviño
El Guero (Mexico)
Ana Veciana-Suarez
Flight to Freedom (Cuba) 
Joseph F. Viesti
Celebrate! in Central America
John Vigor
Danger, Dolphins, and Ginger Beer (Virgin Islands)
Kathy Wierenga
Croutons for Breakfast (Venezuela)  |