These booklists are used as handouts for booktalk presentations given in the Central Florida area. The lists include fiction, nonfiction, and picture books. The fiction books are chosen for their interest level, reading level, and in some cases their location. The nonfiction titles encourage students to explore the sciences. The picture books are included to encourage students to become reading mentors and read to younger siblings and friends. All the books included on these lists are available in Seminole County Public Libraries. The Y, J, and A identifiers are included to make the books easier to locate in the library.
We've written booktalks for some of the titles included on these lists. Click on a title to go to the booktalk (any title that is underlined is a link to a booktalk). Each list is also available as a .pdf file so that you may download and print whichever lists interest you. Click on the .pdf letters after the list title to begin the download process. |